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You can get this amazing diary personalised for your needs. As this is a ring binder notebook we can add more pages for you depending on what you need.

Just type in the name you want to personalise this with and add any extra information about what you want in the notebook and consider it done!


You can of course have it plain! 


STAY MOTIVATED & ACHIEVE YOUR GOALS with a high-end weekly productivity planner. Focus on your tasks and avoid procrastination to get record performance in the office and advance your professional career . You will never miss a meeting or a date again: Keep track of everything that needs to be done with a weekly and monthly planning notebook. Write down your to-do lists, business appointments, Finances and daily obligations, to make sure you stay on schedule. YOU CAN START ANY TIME YOU WANT: Our motivational organizer is non-dated so that you can start using it whenever you like, for a full 12 months . GET A STYLISH DESK ACCESSORY: OFFER AN INSPIRATIONAL GIFT: Treat your sweetheart, mom or dad on their birthday, your student friend, your business associate or client at Christmas! Choose this smart planner with a Black cover and impress!

BRAND NEW ORGANIZER– 9'' 7'' Undated Diary/Organizer 

  • We expect this item to arrive within 3-5 business days. 
    Delivery to be made by Hermes or Royal Mail if you have a special request for it to be delivered by a certain service please contact us to let us know.
    We do not accept returns on this item.

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